The order of things can seem a mystery, but there is energy in all things, and an order we may not understand.

Simple, straightforward. Painted on a
paper bag- recycled material; art does
not need to use all new materials.
My sweetheart of a spotted dog agrees.

Painted on a recycled paper bag. My heart is full of purpose when our planet in not depleted.

We are all part of the whole, and though we may feel insignificant – the potential in each of us matters.

Those who see things differently, those who take the road less traveled, those who march to their own drummer.

A little whimsy...wonderful water
Important to us all.

Oregon’s geography creates orographic lifting.
The mass of liquid crystals condenses and form clouds. Many clouds will drop water (when it falls, we call it rain)

If it happened they’ve seen it. Their wisdom is all around us ~ are we paying attention? The gifts are ours, what will we miss…